If the idea of cuddling up by the fire and roasting s’mores fills you with dread because you think it’s a lot of work, we get it. It’s not an easy task to build a fire every time you want to roast some marshmallows or have friends over for dinner. However, that doesn’t mean there isn’t an easier way! With the right materials and clever tricks, building a firebowl is the perfect way to light up your yard this winter. One of the most common ways people bring nature into their home is by creating a fire pit or other fire features in their backyards. Depending on where you live, there are probably many houses with firepits in their backyard or on their patio. They are also great for adding ambiance to any outdoor party you may be hosting! Why build a firebowl?A fire bowl is a great way to build a fire that won’t consume your deck or patio. Fire pits often require a concrete base to hold the bowl, which means that you may be forced to rip up your deck or patio to create the necessary space. Fire bowls can be placed directly on the ground, so you don’t have to worry about ruining your deck or patio in the process. Another reason why you may want to build a firebowl is to protect your yard from the possibility of a runaway fire. Fire pits often have sides that come up above the level of the surrounding grass, which makes it easier for a fire to spread if it gets out of control. Firebowls don’t have these sides, so it’s much harder for a fire to spread beyond the bowl. Firebowls are also a great alternative if you live in an area where fires are prohibited. While it’s often possible to get around the fire ban by using a fire pit, many communities have strict rules when it comes to outdoor fire features. Firebowls are often exempt from these rules, making them a great option for anyone who wants to bring some warmth into their yard during the winter months. How to build a firebowlWater-resistant materials – Firebowls are best built from materials that won’t burn easily or catch on fire. A good choice is concrete, which is water-resistant and won’t catch on fire even when it’s filled with hot embers. Mulch around the bowl – Rather than putting dirt down, put a layer of mulch around the bowl. This keeps the wood from getting too damp and keeps it from growing mould and other fungus. Use more wood for less heat – Make sure to use plenty of wood for your firebowl. If you’re just trying to get the fire going, you don’t need as much as you would if you were trying to sustain a roaring fire. What you’ll needBuild your fire in the evening – As previously mentioned, building your fire at the end of the day is a smarter choice than building a fire when it’s still light outside. Not only does it make the fire more aesthetic but it also reduces the chance of it being seen and reported as a fire hazard. Water and a bucket of sand – Keep a bucket of sand and some water nearby in case the fire escapes. You may also want to keep a fire extinguisher nearby as well. Dry wood – Use dry wood that has been cut down to your firebowl’s level. If you have a wood pile, stack the wood up and let it sit for a couple of months so that it dries out before using it to build a firebowl. Tip 1: Use dry limestone bricksLimestone bricks are porous and will absorb water, even if they’re dry. This is an important consideration when you’re building a firebowl. If you use dry limestone bricks, you don’t have to worry about the bricks getting damp and becoming unusable. If you use bricks that are wet, you run the risk of them becoming too heavy and falling apart when the firebowl is filled with hot embers. Another advantage of limestone bricks is that they are a natural product, making them a more environmentally friendly option than concrete. They may be a bit more expensive but the cost may be worth it if you value sustainability above all else. Tip 2: Add more ventilationIf your firebowl is built properly, you shouldn’t have to worry too much about the fire being smoky. However, if you’re getting a lot of smoke, it probably means you don’t have enough air entering the firebowl. Try lifting the front of the firebowl so that smoke can escape and air can flow in. This will make the fire less smoky and will help the embers burn out more quickly. If you’re concerned that your firebowl may not be up to local fire code regulations, you may want to try adding a spark arrestor to your firebowl. A spark arrestor is a mesh screen that sits just below the top of the firebowl and catches any small embers that might be escaping. This makes your firebowl safer for anyone in the surrounding area and may help you avoid being reported for violating fire code regulations. Tip 3: Build your fire in the eveningAs we’ve already mentioned, it’s best to build your fire in the evening. Not only does this reduce the chance of it being seen and reported as a fire hazard, but it also makes the fire more aesthetic. Building a fire when it’s still light outside is unlikely to look as beautiful as it would later in the evening. If you are going to build a fire when it is still light outside, be sure to put plenty of wood on it. A small fire will look nice but won’t put out enough warmth or light to make it worthwhile. ConclusionA firebowl is a great way to bring the warmth and ambiance of a fire into your yard without having to build a firepit or spend hours tending to a roaring fire. With the right materials and a little bit of planning, it’s easy to build a firebowl and make the most of the chilly winter months. This article is provided by https://www.hanleysofcork.com/outdoor-living-outdoor-heating1-firepits-firebowls |
https://www.hanleysofcork.com/outdoor-living-outdoor-heating1-firepits-firebowls |