Companies with a profit motive naturally try to achieve the best possible operating result for their company. You can do this by selling more, or by cutting costs of the company. Improving your sales will automatically mean a bigger workload. Cutting in the costs on the other hand will mean that you will earn more money with the same amount of work. We recommend that every company initially focuses on sales growth. But as soon as growth is achieved and stays continuously, you should start focussing on cost savings. This is because the cost savings can be permanent whereas the increase in sales can be a temporary thing. In this blog we will therefore give you some tips that can help your company save costs. Procurement costsThe purchase costs generally form the basis of the final selling price. In most sectors, this is the largest cost item. This concerns both direct and indirect purchasing costs. The direct purchase costs are the costs that you pay for the product to be purchased. The indirect procurement costs are formed by the extra costs involved in purchasing the products. You can save on purchasing costs by purchasing bigger amounts or by closing better deals with the various suppliers. A third way to save on the procurement costs is by looking for new, larger suppliers. When you can purchase multiple products from the same party, you quickly enjoy economies of scale! Invoice costsThe invoice department within an organization is one of the departments that you should automate as quickly as possible. Manually drawing up, processing, paying and sending invoices is an extremely time-consuming task. By using an invoice management system you can bundle all these activities within one system. This system may cost you some money every month, but the time savings your company gets from the system will be worth many times more! When you, as an owner of the company, are responsible for invoicing yourself, you will have more time for other and ‘more important’ jobs. When you employ someone for invoicing, this person will need less time for the same work and can therefore make themselves useful in another department!