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The financial impact of Covid 19 on gaming industry

The impact of the Covid 19virus on our society and economy is significant. Although we do not yet know the full extent, the situation calls for action now. So that we can adapt in time to the new circumstances. That is the short term. The long term prespective for the gaming industry is not wel

At the same time, our focus is on continuity, the long term. We do not know how long the virus will have an impact and how great the damage will be. Yet our focus is on the time after it; we go through it together and then we want to continue with each other. With the entrepreneurs we have financed. And with our investors and financiers who have entrusted resources to these entrepreneurs to make their plans come true.

Would you like to know more about anticipating the outbreak of the Covid 19virus, expanding your liquidity position and bridging this difficult period? Then read our page about Covid 19 and financing.

Covid 19 – Insight, Analysis, Options, Choice – gaming industry

We make an inventory of the estimated impact of Covid 19 in the short and medium term among the entrepreneurs we have been able to finance in recent years. A survey was sent out yesterday morning (March 16, 2020) and the first results are already in. With updated liquidity insights, we want to help our entrepreneurs to ensure continuity in a timely manner and where necessary immediately. We will explore and implement the options for each company, together with the entrepreneur and the advisers and accountant involved.
We will communicate the impact for our investors and financiers as well as possible and in a timely manner. It is a search for a balance. Here too the focus is on continuity. We will use new and existing additional bridging options to create liquidity space where necessary. In addition, a short-term impact on existing financing cannot be ruled out. This could, for example, consist of an extension of the term, a temporary repayment freeze or other measures. Everything is aimed at overcoming the pandemic for a period and guaranteeing continuity for the longer term, for all parties.
If adjustments are (imminent) at a company in which you are involved, as a financier or as an investor, we will inform you as soon as possible.

New Investment Opportunities Get Additional Covid 19 Paragraph

In the case of new investment opportunities in the gaming industry, we will describe the examined “Covid 19 impact” in a separate section. This allows our investors and financiers to include this information in their financing / investment considerations. Taking into account different scenarios (size and duration of pandemic), the impact will be tested on commerce / sales, suppliers / purchasing, production / services and of course the liquidity of the company concerned. You can expect the following new investment opportunities this week.